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Here are some tips on TeX.


Use the commands below if you would like parentheses etc. bigger than $\Biggl(\Biggr)$. An example is $\bigggl(\bigggr)$. I referred to the definitions of \big etc. in the TeXbook.

\newcommand{\biggg}[1]{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 20.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
\newcommand{\Biggg}[1]{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 23.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
\newcommand{\bigggg}[1]{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 26.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
\newcommand{\Bigggg}[1]{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 29.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
\newcommand{\biggggg}[1]{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 32.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
\newcommand{\Biggggg}[1]{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 35.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
\newcommand{\bigggggg}[1]{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 38.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
\newcommand{\Bigggggg}[1]{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 41.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}


Use \arc if you would like to put a symbol similar to \frown over something in order to indicate that it is an arc. An example is $\arc{AB}$. It poses no problems to use a long argument such as ABCDEF.

 \divide\dimen0 by 2%

Long \hookrightarrow and \twoheadrightarrow

Use \hooklongrightarrow and \twoheadlongrightarrow if you would like \hookrightarrow and \twoheadrightarrow as long as \longrightarrow and \longmapsto. An example is $f\colon X\hooklongrightarrow Y$. I referred to the definition of \longmapsto in the TeXbook.


Upright punctuation marks

Mathematicians use italics in the statement of a theorem by convention, but in my opinion italic punctuation marks are not very beautiful. Use cmtiup package if you would like upright punctuation marks in the statement of a theorem. You can find this package at /fonts/cm/cmtiup/ in CTAN.

I prefer slanted fonts to italic fonts in theorems because I think using slanted fonts makes it easier to distinguish, for example, an indefinite article `a' and a variable $a$. For those who prefer slanted fonts use cmslup package, which can be found at /fonts/cm/cmslup/ in CTAN.


If you are unsatisfied with the position of a QED symbol when your proof ends with a displayed formula, I ams sure that ntheorem.sty is the best solution.

Let dviout know the size of the paper

If you use dviout, you can let dviout know the size of the paper by writing, for example,


right after \begin{document}.

Maximise dviout

Starting dviout with the command

dviout -Set=!m

maximises dviout.

Shingo SAITO