- 論文紹介: Paolo Solla, Carla Masala, Tommaso Ercoli, Claudia Frau, Caterina Bagella, Ilenia Pinna, Francesco Loy and Giovanni Defazio: Olfactory Impairment Correlates with Executive Functions Disorders and Other Specific Cognitive Dysfunctions in Parkinson's Disease. Biology 12, 112, 2023.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 修論発表練習
- 修論発表練習
- 論文紹介: Yen Na Yum, Sam-Po Law: Impact of characteristics of L1 literacy experience on picture processing: ERP data from trilingual non-native Chinese and English readers. Cognition 183, 213–225, 2019.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Karine Alexandra Del Rio João a, Saul Neves de Jesus, Cláudia Carmo, Patrícia Pinto: The impact of sleep quality on the mental health of a non-clinical population. Sleep Medicine 46, 69–73, 2018.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Ming Chang,Hideyuki Ando,Taro Maeda,Yasushi Naruse: Behavioral effect of mismatch negativity neurofeedback on foreign language learning. PLoS ONE 16, e0254771, 2021.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Michelle Heatherly, Melissa Dein, John P. Munafo, Curtis R. Luckett: Title. Crossmodal correspondence between color, shapes, and wine odors. 71, 395–405, 2019.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Amin Dehghani, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh, Gholam-Ali Hossein-Zadeh: Neural modulation enhancement using connectivity-based EEG neurofeedback with simultaneous fMRI for emotion regulation. NeuroImage 279, 120320, 2023.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Natalie R. Weimer, Sheri L. Clark, Antonio L. Freitas: Distinct neural responses to social and semantic violations: An N400 study. International Journal of Psychophysiology 137, 72–81, 2019.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Cynthia C. Woo, Blake Miranda,Blake Miranda, Mithra Sathishkumar,Mithra Sathishkumar, Farideh Dehkordi-VakilFarideh Dehkordi-Vakil, Michael A. Yassa,Michael A. Yassa, Michael Leon,,Michael Leon: Overnight olfactory enrichment using an odorant diffuser improves memory and modifies the uncinate fasciculus in older adults. Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 1–11, 2023.
- リサカン: 自己紹介とこれまでの研究紹介
- 論文紹介: Hannah Kirsten, Laura-Effi Seib-Pfeifer, Henning Gibbons: Effects of the calorie content of visual food stimuli and simulated situations on event-related frontal alpha asymmetry and event-related potentials in the context of food choices. Appetite 169, 105805, 2022.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告等
- 論文紹介: Grace Y. Wang, Mark Crook-Rumsey, Alexander Sumich, Deborah K Dulson, Terry T. Gao, Preethi Premkumar: The relationships between expressed emotion, cortisol, and EEG alpha asymmetry. Physiology & Behavior 269, 114276, 2023.
- 研究室ガイダンス
- 論文紹介: Pilleriin Sikka, Antti Revonsuo, Valdas Noreika and Katja Valli: EEG Frontal Alpha Asymmetry and Dream Affect: Alpha Oscillations over the Right Frontal Cortex during REM Sleep and Presleep Wakefulness Predict Anger in REM Sleep Dreams. Journal of Neuroscience 39, 4775–4784, 2019.
- リサカン: 進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Jyoti Mishra, Mira Lowenstein, Richard Campusano, Yihan Hu, Juan Diaz-Delgado, Jacqueline Ayyoub, Rajat Jain and Adam Gazzaley: Closed-Loop Neurofeedback of α Synchrony during Goal-Directed Attention. Journal of Neuroscience 41, 5699–5710, 2021.
- リサカン: 進捗等々
- 論文紹介: M. Dantec, H. Allain, N. Yvert, J. Sigrist, M. Bensafi, J. Lafraire: Olfactory attributes and colors associated with naturalness. Food Quality and Preference 98, 114495, 2022.
- 修論発表練習
- 修論発表練習
- 論文紹介: Alexander Enge, Franziska Süß, and Rasha Abdel Rahman: Instant Effects of Semantic Information on Visual Perception. Journal of Neuroscience 28, 4896–4906, 2023.
- 論文紹介: Herdis Agovi, Lapo Pierguidi, Caterina Dinnella, Maria Pia Viggiano, Erminio Monteleone, Sara Spinelli: Attentional bias for vegetables is negatively associated with acceptability and is related to sensory properties. Food Quality and Preference 96, 114429, 2022.
- リサカン: 進捗報告
- 諸連絡
- Quick-20の使用法と解析法
- 進捗報告と一般化線形混合モデル
- 論文紹介: Karen R. Konkoly, Kristoffer Appel, Emma Chabani, Anastasia Mangiaruga, Jarrod Gott, Remington Mallett, Bruce Caughran, Sarah Witkowski, Nathan W. Whitmore, Christopher Y. Mazurek, Jonathan B. Berent, Frederik D. Weber, Başak Türker, Smaranda Leu-Semenescu, Jean-Baptiste Maranci, Gordon Pipa, Isabelle Arnulf, Delphine Oudiette, Martin Dresler, Ken A. Paller: Real-time dialogue between experimenters and dreamers during REM sleep. Current Biology 31, 1417–1727, 2021.
- リサカン: 自己紹介と進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Ying Qi, Qujing Chen, Feng Lin, Qi Liu, Xiaowan Zhang, Jiayu Guo, Ling Qiu, Tian Gao: Comparative study on birdsong and its multi-sensory combinational effects on physio-psychological restoration. Journal of Environmental Psychology 83, 101879, 2022.
- リサカン: 進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Li-Wei Ko, Cheng-Hua Su, Meng-Hsun Yang, Shen-Yi Liu & Tung-Ping Su: A pilot study on essential oil aroma stimulation for enhancing slow-wave EEG in sleeping brain. Scientific Reports 11, 1078, 2021.
- リサカン: 自己紹介と進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Laura Brockhoff, Elisa Adriana Elias, Maximilian Bruchmann, Sebastian Schindler, Robert Moeck, Thomas Straube: The effects of visual perceptual load on detection performance and event-related potentials to auditory stimuli. NeuroImage 273, 120080, 2023.
- リサカン: 研究紹介と進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Chengkang Zhu, Jingjing Pan, Shuaiqi Li, Xiaoli Liu, Pengcheng Wang & Jianbiao Li: Internal cost of spontaneous deception revealed by ERPs and EEG spectral perturbations. Scientific Reports 9, 5402, 2019.
- リサカン: 研究紹介と進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Marlies E. van Bochove, Eva Ketel, Miles Wischnewski, Joost Wegman, Esther Aarts, Benjamin de Jonge, W. Pieter Medendorp, Dennis J.L.G. Schutter: Posterior resting state EEG asymmetries are associated with hedonic valuation of food. International Journal of Psychophysiology 110, 40–46, 2016.
- リサカン: 進捗報告
2023年04月14日(汪, 張菁娜)
- リサカン: 自己紹介と研究紹介
2023年04月07日(李, 張之涵)
- リサカン: 自己紹介と研究紹介
- 論文紹介: Danyang Li & Xiaochun Wang: Can ambient odors influence the recognition of emotional words? A behavioral and event-related potentials study. Cognitive Neurodynamics 16, 575#8211;590, 2022.
- リサカン: 進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Tahnée Engelen, Anne Buot, Julie Grèzes, Catherine Tallon-Baudry: Whose emotion is it? Perspective matters to understand brain-body interactions in emotions. NeuroImage 268, 119867, 2023.
- リサカン: なし
- 論文紹介: Jintao Wu, Jie Huang, Jiaxuan Li, Xianglin Chen & Yi Xiao: The role of conflict processing mechanism in deception responses. Scientific Reports 12, 18300, 2022.
- リサカン: 進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Alana J. Anderson, Sammy Perone: Predicting individual differences in behavioral activation and behavioral inhibition from functional networks in the resting EEG. Biological Psychology 177, 1–12, 2023.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告と出張報告
- 論文紹介: Massimiliano Palmiero and Laura Piccardi: Frontal EEG Asymmetry of Mood: A Mini-Review. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 11, 1–8, 2017.
- リサカン: 数理・データサイエンスに関する教育・研究支援プログラム 研究成果発表会の報告
- オールラボポスターコンテスト
- リサカン: 冬季休暇中に行った研究活動の報告
- 論文紹介: Behzad Iravani, Artin Arshamian, Mikael Lundqvist, Leslie M.Kay, Donald A.Wilson, Johan N.Lundström: Odor identity can be extracted from the reciprocal connectivity between olfactory bulb and piriform cortex in humans. NeuroImage 237, 1–11 (118130), 2021.
- リサカン: 進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Dominik Welke, Edward A.Vessel: Naturalistic viewing conditions can increase task engagement and aesthetic preference but have only minimal impact on EEG quality. NeuroImage 256, 1–19 (119218), 2022.
- リサカン: 進捗報告
- 論文紹介: V Scheuble, A Beauducel: Cognitive processes during deception about attitudes revisited: a replication study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 15, 839–848, 2020.
- リサカン: 進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Marina Domracheva, Sofya Kulikova: EEG correlates of perceived food product similarity in a cross-modal taste-visual task. Food Quality and Preference 85, 103980, 2020.
- リサカン: SFNポスターの進捗
- 論文紹介: Xueru Zhao, Junjing Wang, Jinhui Li, Guang Luo, Ting Li, Anjan Chatterjee, Wei Zhang & Xianyou He: The neural mechanism of aesthetic judgments of dynamic landscapes: an fMRI study. Scientific Reports 10, 20774, 2020.
- リサカン: 最近の研究について
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- 自己紹介・研究紹介・夏休みにやったこと(全員)
- 前期の研究発表会
- 前期の研究発表会
- 論文紹介: Jing Chen, Haifeng Li, Lin Ma, Hongjian Bo, Frank Soong, and Yaohui Shi: Dual-Threshold-Based Microstate Analysis on Characterizing Temporal Dynamics of Affective Process and Emotion Recognition From EEG Signals. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 689791(1–14), 2021.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: D. Castillo-Barnes, F. J. Martinez-Murcia, J. Ramírez, J. M. Górriz, D. Salas-Gonzalez: Expectation–Maximization algorithm for finite mixture of α-stable distributions. Neurocomputing, 413, 210–216, 2020.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Zhixiang Chen,Feilong Cao: Construction of feedforward neural networks with simple architectures and approximation abilities. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44, 1788–1795, 2021.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Alborz Rezazadeh Sereshkeh , Robert Trott, Aurelien Bricout, and Tom Chau: EEG Classification of Covert Speech Using Regularized Neural Networks. IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, 25, 2292–2300, 2017.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Uberta Ganucci Cancellieri, Irene Petruccelli, Lavinia Cicero, Alessandro Milani, Flavia Bonaiuto, Marino Bonaiuto: Reputation and emotion: How the mind drives our food preferences and choices. Food Quality and Preference, 101, 104637(1–13), 2022.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Julian Packheiser, Gesa Berretz, Noemi Rook, Celine Bahr, Lynn Schockenhoff, Onur Güntürkün & Sebastian Ocklenburg: Investigating real-life emotions in romantic couples: a mobile EEG study. Scientific Reports, 11, 1142(1–12), 2021.
- リサカン1: 焚き火の脳科学研究
- リサカン2: その他の活動報告
- 論文紹介: Sebastian Schindler, Maximilian Bruchmann, Thomas Straube: Feature-based attention interacts with emotional picture content during mid-latency and late ERP processing stages. Biological Psychology, 170, 108310(1–9), 2022.
- リサカン: 研究計画
- 論文紹介: Paul C. Kainen, Věra Kůrková, Andrew Vogt: Approximative compactness of linear combinations of characteristic functions. Journal of Approximation Theory, 257, 1–16, 2020.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Jerome-Alexis Chevalier, Alexandre, Gramfort, Joseph Salmon, Bertrand, Thirion: Statistical control for spatio-temporal MEG/EEG source imaging with desparsified multi-task Lasso. 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), 2020.
- リサカン: なし
- 論文紹介: Yuqi Ren and Deyi Xiong: CogAlign: Learning to Align Textual Neural Representations to Cognitive Language Processing Signals. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 3758–3769, 2021.
- リサカン: 今後の研究計画
- 論文紹介: Maya Misra, Taomei Guo, Susan C.Bobb, Judith F.Kroll: When bilinguals choose a single word to speak: Electrophysiological evidence for inhibition of the native language. Journal of Memory and Language 67, 224–237, 2012.
- リサカン: 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Marek, S., Tervo-Clemmens, B., Calabro, F.J. et al.: Reproducible brain-wide association studies require thousands of individuals. Nature 603, 654–660, 2022.
- リサカン: 焚き火の脳科学研究
- 研究室ガイダンス(岡本)
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- 論文紹介: Alexandre Gramfort, Martin Luessi, Eric Larson, Denis A Engemann, Daniel Strohmeier, Christian Markus Brodbeck, Roman Goj, Mainak Jas, Teon Lamont Brooks, Lauri & Matti Hämäläinen: MEG and EEG data analysis with MNE-Python. Brain Imaging Methds 7, Article 267, 1–13, 2013.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Yunyou Qian, Dansheng Yu: Rates of approximation by neural network interpolation operators. Applied Mathematics and Computation 418, Article 126781, 1–18, 2022.
- 出張報告
- 論文紹介: Vince D Calhoun, Rogers F Silva, Srinivas Rachakonda, : Comparison of PCA approaches for very large group ICA. Neuro Image 118, 662–666, 2015.
- 研究進捗報告
- 修士論文の進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Taomei Guo, Fengyang Ma, Fengqin Liu: An ERP study of inhibition of non-target languages in trilingual word production. Brain & Language 127, 12–20, 2013.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: HADRIANA IDDAS AND KEIJI IRAMINA: Directed EEG Functional Connectivity Featuresto Reveal Different Attention Indexes Using Hierarchical Clustering. IEEE Access 9, 1–8, 2021.
- 研究進捗報告
- 博士論文公聴会の発表練習
- 論文紹介: Jihyeon Ha, Wanjoo Park, Sang In Park, Chang-Hwan Im and Laehyun Kim: EEG response to game-craving according to personal preference for games. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16, No. 9, 995–1005, 2021.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Erwin Engeler: Neural Algebra and Consciousness: A Theory of Structural Functionality in Neural Nets. AB 2008 LNCS 5147, 96–109, 2008.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Tommaso Costa, Giuseppe Boccignone, Franco Cauda, Mario Ferraro: The Foraging Brain: Evidence of Lévy Dynamics in Brain Networks. PLOS ONE 10, Article 1371, 1–16, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Hossein Shahabi, Sahar Moghimi: Toward automatic detection of brain responses to emotional music through analysis of EEG effective connectivity. Computers in Human Behavior 58, 231–239, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Emily L. Coderre, Walter J. B. van Heuven & Kathy Conklin: The timing and magnitude of Stroop interference and facilitation in monolinguals and bilinguals. Language and Cognition 16, 420–441, 2013.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Brooke M.Roberts, Alex Clarke, Richard J.Addante & Charan Ranganath: Entrainment enhances theta oscillations and improves episodic memory. Cognitive Neuroscience 9, Issue 3-4, 181–199, 2018.
- 博士論文審査発表練習
- 論文紹介: Julian Elias Reiser, Edmund Wascher & Stefan Arnau: Recording mobile EEG in an outdoor environment reveals cognitive-motor interference dependent on movement complexity. Scientific Reports 9, Article 13086, 1–14, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
- 研究室のガイダンス(岡本)
- 自己紹介・研究紹介(全員)
- 論文紹介: Emily L. Coderre & Walter J. B. van Heuven: Electrophysiological explorations of the bilingual advantage:evidence from a Stroop task. PLOS ONE 9, Article 103424, 1–15, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Beverley Katherine Fredborg, Kevin Champagne-Jorgensen, Amy S. Desroches, Stephen D. Smith: An electroencephalographic examination of the autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR). Science Direct 87, Article 103053, 1–13, 2021.
- 研究進捗報告
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- 研究進捗報告
- アウトドアEEGに関する論文レビュー4本
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- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Stephanie C. Goodhew, Evan Kidd: Bliss is blue and bleak is grey: Abstract word-colour associations influence objective performance even when not task relevant. Acta Psychologica 206, Article 103067, 1–9, 2020.
- 研究進捗報告
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- 研究進捗報告
- ミニレクチャー: Sample size determination using JMP
- 進捗報告と諸連絡
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- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Yen Na Yum, Sam-Po Law: Impact of characteristics of L1 literacy experience on picture processing: ERP data from trilingual non-native Chinese and English readers. Cognition 183, 213–225, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
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- 研究進捗報告
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- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Geethanjali Balasubramanian, Adalarasu Kanagasabai, Jagannath Mohan, N.P. Guhan Seshadri: Music induced emotion using wavelet packet decomposition—An EEG study. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 42, 115–128, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
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- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: James N. Cousins, Ruth L. F. Leong, S. Azrin Jamaluddin, Alyssa S. C. Ng, Ju Lynn Ong & Michael W. L. Chee: Splitting sleep between the night and a daytime nap reduces homeostatic sleep pressure and enhances long-term memory. Scientific Reports 11, Article 5275, 1–15, 2021.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Christopher Dana Lynn: Hearth and Campfire Influences on Arterial Blood Pressure: Defraying the Costs of the Social Brain through Fireside Relaxation. Evolutionary Psychology 12, 983–1003, 2014.
- 記者会見のリハーサル
- 論文紹介: Blair Kaneshiro, Duc T. Nguyen, Anthony M. Norcia, Jacek P. Dmochowski, Jonathan Berger: Natural music evokes correlated EEG responses reflecting temporal structure and beat. NeuroImage 214, Article 116559, 1–14, 2020.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Lijuan Liang, Yun Wen, Yanping Dong: Gender constraint in L1 and L2 reflexive pronoun resolution by Chinese-English bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics 45, 1–12, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Yoji Hirano, Naoya Oribe. Shigenobu Kanba, Toshiaki Onitsuka, Paul G. Nestor, Kevin M. Spencer: Spontaneous Gamma Activity in Schizophrenia. JAMA Psychiatry 72, Article 8, 813–821, 2015.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Dirk Kerzel, Maïté Kun-Sook Andres: Object features reinstated from episodic memory guide attentional selection. Cognition 197, Article 104158, 1–10, 2020.
- 研究進捗報告
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- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Ashish Gupta, Braj Bhushan & Laxmidhar Behera: Short-term enhancement of cognitive functions and music: A three-channel model. Scientific Reports 8, Article 15528, 1–12, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Kexin Xiong, Rinus G. Verdonschot, Katsuo Tamaoka: The time course of brain activity in reading identical cognates: An ERP study of Chinese - Japanese bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics 55, Article 100911, 1–14, 2020.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Kazuhito Nakao and Kazu Nakazawa: Brain state-dependent abnormal LFP activity in the auditory cortex of a schizophrenia mouse model. Frontiers in Neuroscience 8, Article 168, 1–12, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Manuela Friedrich, Matthias Mölle, Angela D. Friederici & Jan Born: Sleep-dependent memory consolidation in infants protects new episodic memories from existing semantic memories. Brain Research 11, Article 1298, 1–9, 2020.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Christophe Domingos, Cristiana P. Alves, Edgar Sousa, Agostinho Rosa and José G. Pereira: Does Neurofeedback Training Improve Performance in Athletes? Neuro Regulation 7, 8–17, 2020.
- 進捗報告と諸連絡
- 論文紹介: Alice Mado Proverbio, Valentina Lozano Nasi, Laura Alessandra Arcari, Francesco De Benedetto, Matteo Guardamagna, Martina Gazzola & Alberto Zani: The effect of background music on episodic memory and autonomic responses: listening to emotionally touching music enhances facial memory capacity. Scientific Reports 5, Article 15219, 1–13, 2015.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Min Hooi Yong, Xue Li Lim, Alexandre Schaefer: How do Asians perceive Caucasian eyes? Electrophysiological correlates of perceiving racial differences from the eyes region of the face. Neuroscience Letters 720, Article 134759, 1–6, 2020.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Dorea Vierling-Claassen, Peter Siekmeier, Steven Stufflebeam, and Nancy Kopell: Modeling GABA Alterations in Schizophrenia: A Link Between Impaired Inhibition and Altered Gamma and Beta Range Auditory Entrainment. Journal of Neurophysiology 99, 2656–2671, 2008.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Tracy Brandmeyer and Arnaud Delorme: Closed-Loop Frontal Midlineθ Neurofeedback: A Novel Approach for Training Focused-Attention Meditation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, Article 246, 1–16, 2020.
- 研究進捗報告
- ニューロフィードバック論文の大量レビュー
- 進捗報告と諸連絡
- 論文紹介: Bahare Salehi, Abhay Prakash Mishra, Manisha Nigam, Bilge Sener, Mehtap Kilic, Mehdi Sharifi-Rad, Patrick Valere Tsouh Fokou, Natália Martins and Javad Sharifi-Rad: Estimating Cognitive Workload in an Interactive Virtual Reality Environment Using EEG. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, Article401, 1–12, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Carlo Reverberi, Anna K. Kuhlen, Shima Seyed-Allaei, R.Stefan Greulich, Albert Costa, Jubin Abutalebi, John-Dylan Haynes: The neural basis of free language choice in bilingual speakers: Disentangling language choice and language execution. NeuroImage 177, 108–116, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Kevin M. Spencer: The functional consequences of cortical circuit abnormalities on gamma oscillations in schizophrenia: insights from computational modeling. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3, Article 33, 1–12, 2009.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Marie-Pierre Deiber, Roland Hasler, Julien Colin, Alexandre Dayer, Jean-Michel Aubry, Stéphanie Baggio, Nader Perroud, Tomas Ros: Linking alpha oscillations, attention and inhibitory control in adult ADHD with EEG neurofeedback. NeuroImage: Clinical 25, Article 102145, 1–10, 2020.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Anmin Gong, Wenya Nan, Erwei Yin, Changhao Jiang and Yunfa Fu: Efficacy, Trainability, and Neuroplasticity of SMR vs. Alpha Rhythm Shooting Performance Neurofeedback Training. frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, Article 94, 1–14, 2020.
- 進捗報告と諸連絡
- 論文紹介1: Siddharth Siddharth, Tzyy-Ping Jung & Terrence J. Sejnowski: Impact of Affective Multimedia Content on the Electroencephalogram and Facial Expressions. Scientific Reports 9, Article 16295, 1–10, 2019.
- 論文紹介2: Paschalis Bizopoulos, George I. Lambrou, Dimitrios Koutsouris: Signal2Image Modules in Deep Neural Networks for EEG Classification. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 41, 702–705, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Janahan Selvanayagam, Victoria Witte, Louis A. Schmidt, Veena D. Dwivedi: A preliminary investigation of dispositional affect, the P300, and sentence processing. Brain Research 1721, Article 146309, 1–11, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Guang Chen, Yuan Zhang, Xiang Li, Xiaochen Zhao, Qian Ye, Yingxi Lin, Huizhong W. Tao, Malte J. Rasch, Xiaohui Zhang: Distinct Inhibitory Circuits Orchestrate Cortical beta and gamma Band Oscillations. Neuron 96, Issue6, 1403–1418, 2020.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Jac Billington, Simon Baron-Cohen, Daniel Bor: Systemizing influences attentional processes during the Navon task: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia 46, 511–520, 2008.
- 論文紹介: Simon Baron-Cohen, Michael V. Lombardo: Autism and talent: the cognitive and neural basis of systemizing. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 19(4), 345–353, 2017.
- 論文紹介: Yuya Ota, Kouichi Takamoto, Susumu Urakawa, Hiroshi Nishimaru, Jumpei Matsumoto, Yusaku Takamura, Masahito Mihara, Taketoshi Ono and Hisao Nishijo: Motor Imagery Training With Neurofeedback From the Frontal Pole Facilitated Sensorimotor Cortical Activity and Improved Hand Dexterity. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, Article 34, 1–16, 2020.
- 進捗報告と諸連絡
- 研究室ガイダンス
- 自己紹介・研究紹介
- 論文紹介: Donatella Di Corrado, Maria Guarnera, Francesca Vitali, Alessandro Quartiroli, Marinella Coco: Imagery ability of elite level athletes from individual vs. team and contact vs. no-contact sports. PeerJ 7:e6940, 1–14, 2019.
- 出張報告と研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Francesco Versace, David W. Frank, Elise M. Stevens, Menton M. Deweese, Michele Guindani, Susan M. Schembre: The reality of “food porn”: Larger brain responses to food-related cues than to erotic images predict cue-induced eating. Psychophysiology 56:e13309, 1–13, 2019.
- 実験計画について
- 修論発表練習
- 論文紹介: Ioanna Zioga, Rawan Hassan, Caroline Di Bernardi Luft: Success, but not failure feedback guides learning during neurofeedback: An ERP study. NeuroImage 200, 26–37, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Christoph Guger, Gunther Krausz, Brendan Z. Allison and Guenter Edlinger: Comparison of dry and gel based electrodes for P300 brain–computer interfaces. Frontiers in Neuroscience 6, 1–7, 2012.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Gan Huang, Jia Liu, Linling Li, Li Zhang, Yixuan Zeng, Lijie Ren, Shiqing Ye, Zhiguo Zhang: A novel training-free externally-regulated neurofeedback (ER-NF) system using phase-guided visual stimulation for alpha modulation. NeuroImage 189, 688–699, 2019.
- 講演報告・新構想発表
- 論文紹介: Lin Fan, Qiang Xu, Xiaoxi Wang, Feng Zhang, Yaping Yang and Xiaoping Liu: Neural Correlates of Task-Irrelevant First and Second Language Emotion Words – Evidence from the Emotional Face–Word Stroop Task. Frontiers in Psychology 7:1672, 1–13, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Marlieke Tina Renée van Kesteren, Lydia Krabbendam & Martijn Meeter: Integrating educational knowledge: reactivation of prior knowledge during educational learning enhances memory integration. Science of Learning 3:11, 1–8, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Jen-Jui Hsueh,Tzu-Shan Chen,Jia-Jin Chen,and Fu-Zen Shaw: Neurofeedback training of EEG alpha rhythm enhances episodic and working memory. Human Brain Mapping 37, 2662–2675, 2016.
- 論文紹介: Christophe Fitamen, Agnès Blaye & Valérie Camos: Five-Year-Old Children's Working Memory Can Be Improved When Children Act On A Transparent Goal Cue. Scientific Reports 9:15342, 1–8, 2019.
- 論文紹介(ラスト): Takashi Ono, Akio Kimura, Junichi Ushiba: Daily training with realistic visual feedback improves reproducibility of event-related desynchronisation following hand motor imagery. Clinical Neurophysiology 124, 1779–1786, 2013.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Kirsten E. Bevelander, Doeschka J. Anschütz, Daan H. M. Creemers, Marloes Kleinjan, Rutger C. M. E. Engels: The Role of Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem in Peer Modeling of Palatable Food Intake: A Study on Social Media Interaction among Youngsters. PLOS ONE 8, e72481, 1–11, 2013.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Roland H. Grabner, Clemens Brunner, Robert Leeb, Christa Neuper, Gert Pfurtscheller: Event-related EEG theta and alpha band oscillatory responses during language translation. Brain Research Bulletin 72, 57–65, 2007.
- 研究テーマ議論
- 論文紹介: Joanne L. Park, David I. Donaldson: Detecting the neural correlates of episodic memory with mobile EEG: Recollecting objects in the real world. NeuroImage 193, 1–9, 2019.
- 出張報告
- 論文紹介: Selina C. Wriessnegger, Clemens Brunner and Gernot R. Müller-Putz: Frequency Specific Cortical Dynamics During Motor Imagery Are Influenced by Prior Physical Activity. Frontiers in Psychology 9:1976, 1–16, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Cohen-Dallal H, Fradkin I, Pertzov Y: Are stronger memories forgotten more slowly? No evidence that memory strength influences the rate of forgetting. PLOS ONE 13(7): e0200292, 1–18, 2018.
- 出張報告・進捗報告等
- CME2019の発表練習
- エラーバーの大事な話
- 論文紹介: Yun-Ah Oh, Seon-Ok Kim, and Sin-Ae Park: Real foliage plant as visual stimuli to improve concentration and attention in elementary students. Int J Environ Res Public Health 16, 796, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: T. Dempster, D. Vernon: Identifying Indices of Learning for Alpha Neurofeedback Training. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 34, 309–318, 2009.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Josje M. de Valk, Ewelina Wnuk, John L. A. Huisman, Asifa Majid: Odor–color associations differ with verbal descriptors for odors: A comparison of three linguistically diverse groups. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 24, 1171–1179, 2016.
- 連絡・出張報告・進捗報告 等
- 論文紹介: Keisuke Fukuda and Geoffrey F. Woodman: Visual working memory buffers information retrieved from visual long-term memory. PNAS 114, 5306–5311, 2017.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Jiang Haifeng, Zhuang Wenxu, Cheng Hong, Li Chuanwei, Du Jiang, Sun Haiming, Chen Zhikang, Xu Din, Wang Jijun, Zhao Min: P300 event-related potential in abstinent methamphetamine-dependent patients. Physiology & Behavior 149, 142–148, 2015.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: 修論のため特別免除
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Kevin Kantono, Nazimah Hamid, Daniel Shepherd, Yi Hsuan Tiffany Lin, Charlotte Brard, Gianpaolo Grazioli, B. Thomas Carr: The effect of music on gelato perception in different eating contexts. Food Research International 113, 43–56, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文50本レビューマラソン!
- 諸連絡
- 論文紹介1: Yumie Ono, Kenya Wada, Masaya Kurata, Naoto Seki: Enhancement of motor-imagery ability via combined action observation and motor-imagery training with proprioceptive neurofeedback. Neuropsychologia 114, 134–142, 2018.
- 論文紹介2: Célia Ruffino, Charalambos Papaxanthis, Florent Lebon: The influence of imagery capacity in motor performance improvement. Experimental Brain Research 235, 3049–3057, 2017.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Shirley Gordon, Doron Todder, Inbal Deutsch, Dror Garbi, Nir Getter, Nachshon Meiran: Are resting state spectral power measures related to executive functions in healthy young adults? Neuropsychologia 108, 61–72, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Weizhen Xie, Weiwei Zhang: Negative emotion enhances mnemonic precision and subjective feelings of remembering in visual long-term memory. Cognition 166, 73–83, 2017.
- 出張報告
- 論文紹介: Guzmán Alba, Jaime Vila, Beatriz Rey, Pedro Montoya and Miguel Ángel Muñoz: The Relationship Between Heart Rate Variability and Electroencephalography Functional Connectivity Variability Is Associated With Cognitive Flexibility. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:64, 1–12, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Juan Linde-Domingo, Matthias S. Treder, Casper Kerrén & Maria Wimber: Evidence that neural information flow is reversed between object perception and object reconstruction from memory. Nature Communications 10:179, 1–13, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: JaanaMarkela-Lerenc, Christian Schmidt-Kraepelin, Daniela Roesch-Ely, Christoph Mundt, Matthias Weisbrod, Stefan Kaiser: Stroop interference effect in schizophrenic patients: An electrophysiological approach. International Journal of Psychophysiology 71, 248–257, 2009.
- 研究計画
- 論文紹介: Kyle E. Mathewson, Tyler J. L. Harrison, Sayeed A. D. Kizuk: High and dry? Comparing active dry EEG electrodes to active and passive wet electrodes. Psychophysiology 54, 74–82, 2017.
- 研究構想等
- 論文紹介: Katarzyna Jurewicz, Katarzyna Paluch, Ewa Kublik, Jacek Rogala, Mirosław Mikicin, Andrzej Wróbel: EEG-neurofeedback training of beta band (12–22 Hz) affects alpha and beta frequencies — A controlled study of a healthy population. Neuropsychologia 108, 13–24, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Marion Brickwedde, Marie C. Krüger & Hubert R. Dinse: Somatosensory alpha oscillations gate perceptual learning efficiency. Nature Communications 10:263, 1–9, 2018.
- 話題提供
- 論文紹介: Eddy J. Davelaar: Mechanisms of Neurofeedback: A Computation-theoretic Approach. Neuroscience 378, 175–188, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 研究活動のガイダンス(岡本)
- 自己紹介・研究紹介(全員)
- 発表順の抽選(全員)
- 論文紹介: Loreto Nacar Garcia, Carlos Guerrero-Mosquera, Marc Colomer & Nuria Sebastian-Galles: Evoked and oscillatory EEG activity differentiates language discrimination in young monolingual and bilingual infants. Scientific Reportsvolume 8:2770, 1–9, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Daniele Caligiorea, Michael A. Arbib, R. Chris Miall, Gianluca Baldassarre: The super-learning hypothesis: Integrating learning processes across cortex,cerebellum and basal ganglia. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100, 19–34, 2019.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Wenya Nan, Feng Wan, Mang I Vai and Agostinho C. Da Rosa: Resting and Initial Beta Amplitudes Predict Learning Ability in Beta/Theta Ratio Neurofeedback Training in Healthy Young Adults. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:677, 1–9, 2015.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Ming Chang, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Yasushi Naruse, Hideyuki Ando & Taro Maeda: Unconscious learning of auditory discrimination using mismatch negativity (MMN) neurofeedback. Scientific Reports 4:6729, 1–5, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 学会発表練習
- 学会発表練習
- 論文紹介: Rocco Mennella, Elisabetta Patron, Daniela Palomba: Frontal alpha asymmetry neurofeedback for the reduction of negative affect and anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy 92, 32–40, 2017.
- 出張報告
- 論文紹介: Jesus Minguillon, M. Angel Lopez-Gordo, Francisco Pelayo: Trends in EEG-BCI for daily-life: Requirements for artifact removal. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 31, 407–418, 2017.
- 諸連絡、構想中の研究、統計の話
- 卒論進捗報告
- 論文紹介1: S. M. Ali Eslami et al.: Neural scene representation and rendering. Science 360, 1204–1210, 2018.
- 論文紹介2: Jayant M. Pinto et al.: Racial Disparities in Olfactory Loss Among Older Adults in the United States. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 69, 323–329, 2018.
- 論文紹介: Sebastian Wolf1, Ellen Brölz, David Scholz, Ander Ramos-Murguialday, Philipp M. Keune, Martin Hautzinger, Niels Birbaumer and Ute Strehl: Winning the game: brain processes in expert, young elite and amateur table tennis players. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8:370, 1–12, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介1: F. Siclari, B. Baird, L. Perogamvros, G. Bernardi, J. J. LaRocque, B. Riedner, M. Boly, B. R. Postle, and G. Tononi: The neural correlates of dreaming. Nature Neuroscience 20, 872–878, 2017.
- 論文紹介2: FrancescaSiclari, JoshuaJ.LaRocque, BradleyR.Postle and GiulioTononi: Assessing sleep consciousness within subjects using a serial awakening paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology 4:542, 1–9, 2013.
- 論文紹介: Hajime Oi, Teruo Hashimoto, Takayuki Nozawa, Akitake Kanno, Natasha Kawata, Kanan Hirano, Yuki Yamamoto, Motoaki Sugiura & Ryuta Kawashima: Neural correlates of ambient thermal sensation: An fMRI study. Scientific Reports 7:11279, 1–11, 2017.
- 出張報告(SfN)
- 論文紹介: Kathrin C. J. Eschmann, Regine Bader, Axel Mecklinger: Topographical differences of frontal-midline theta activity reflect functional differences in cognitive control abilities. Brain and Cognition 123, 57–64, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: SM Hadi Hosseini, Mika Pritchard-Berman, Natasha Sosa, Angelica Ceja, and Shelli R. Kesler: Task-Based Neurofeedback Training: A Novel Approach Toward Training Executive Functions. Neuroimage 134, 153–159, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 強化学習レクチャー
- 論文紹介: I. Momennejad, E. M. Russek, J. H. Cheong, M. M. Botvinick, N. D. Daw & S. J. Gershman: The successor representation in human reinforcement learning. Nature Human Behaviour 1, 680–692, 2017.
- 論文紹介: Lin Yao, Natalie Mrachacz-Kersting, Xinjun Sheng, Xiangyang Zhu, Dario Farina, and Ning Jiang: A Multi-Class BCI Based on Somatosensory Imagery. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING 26, 1508–1515, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Sebastian Scholz, Signe Luisa Schneider, Michael Rose: Differential effects of ongoing EEG beta and theta power on memory formation. PLoS ONE 12:e0171913, 1–18, 2017.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Young J. Son, Chungyoon Chun: Research on electroencephalogram to measure thermal pleasure in thermal alliesthesia in temperature step-change environment. Indoor Air 00:1–8, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12491
- 諸連絡(沢山あり)
- 論文紹介: Jinn-Rong Wang, Shulan Hsieh: Neurofeedback training improves attention and working memory performance. Clinical Neurophysiology 124, 2406–2420, 2013.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Ming Chang, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Yasushi Naruse, Hideyuki Ando & Taro Maeda: Unconscious learning of auditory discrimination using mismatch negativity (MMN) neurofeedback. Scientific Reports 4:6729, 1–5, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Leonardo Badino, Alessandro D'Ausilio, Luciano Fadiga, Giorgio Metta: Computational Validation of the Motor Contribution to Speech Perception. TopiCS in Cognitive Science 461–475, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1111/tops.12095
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Olga Rass, Woo-Young Ahn, Brian F. O’Donnell: Resting-state EEG, impulsiveness, and personality in daily and nondaily smokers. Clinical Neurophysiology 127, 409–418, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 修論進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Stefanie Enriquez-Geppert, René J. Huster, Robert Scharfenort, Zacharais N. Mokom, Jörg Zimmermann, Christoph S. Herrmann: Modulation of frontal-midline theta by neurofeedback. Biological Psychology 95, 59–69, 2014.
- 諸連絡、近況・進捗報告
- 論文紹介: RolandHasler et al.: Attention-related EEG markers in adult ADHD. Neuropsychologia 87, 120–133, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Lilian Konicar, Ralf Veit, Hedwig Eisenbarth, Beatrix Barth, Paolo Tonin, Ute Strehl & Niels Birbaumer: Brain self-regulation in criminal psychopaths. Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 9426, 2015.
- 論文紹介: Andrea Banino et al.: Vector-based navigation using grid-like representations in artificial agents. Nature 557, 429–433, 2018.
- 論文紹介: Fernando Cross-Villasanaa, Peter Gröpel, Felix Ehrlenspiel, Jürgen Beckmann: Central theta amplitude as a negative correlate of performance proficiency in a dynamic visuospatial task. Biological Psychology 132, 37–44, 2018.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Michael X Cohen and Charan Ranganath: Reinforcement Learning Signals Predict Future Decisions. The Journal of Neuroscience 27, 371–378, 2007.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Valentin Alexander Schriever, Pengfei Han, Stefanie Weise, Franziska Hösel, Robert Pellegrino, Thomas Hummel: Time frequency analysis of olfactory induced EEG-power change. PLOS One https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0185596, 2017.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Roman Rozengurt, Limor Shtoots, Aviv Sheriff, Ofir Sadka, Daniel A. Levy: Enhancing early consolidation of human episodic memory by theta EEG neurofeedback. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 145, 165–171, 2017.
- 運営報告・諸連絡
- 論文紹介: Alberto Pisoni, Giulia Mattavelli, Costanza Papagno, Mario Rosanova, Adenauer G. Casali, and Leonor J. Romero Lauro: Cognitive Enhancement Induced by Anodal tDCS Drives Circuit-Specific Cortical Plasticity. Cerebral Cortex 1–9, 2017. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx021
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Aurelio Cortese, Kaoru Amano, Ai Koizumi, Mitsuo Kawato & Hakwan Lau: Multivoxel neurofeedback selectively modulates confidence without changing perceptual performance. Current Biology 26, 1861–1866, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 研究活動のガイダンス(岡本)
- 長めの自己紹介(全員)
- 短めの研究紹介(学生)
- 論文紹介: Konstantina Zougkou, Netta Weinstein, and Silke Paulmann: ERP correlates of motivating voices: quality of motivation and time-course matters. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 1687–1700, 2017.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Sophia C. Poletti, Annachiara Cavazzana, Cagdas Guducu, Maria Larsson & Thomas Hummel: Indistinguishable odour enantiomers: Differences between peripheral and central-nervous electrophysiological responses. Scientific Reports 7:8978, 1–7, 2017.
- SfN出張報告
- 論文紹介: Alexei Ossadtchi, Tatiana Shamaeva, Elizaveta Okorokova, Victoria Moiseeva & Mikhail A. Lebedev: Neurofeedback learning modifies the incidence rate of alpha spindles, but not their duration and amplitude. Scientific Reports 7:3772, 1–12, 2017.
- SfN出張報告
- 論文紹介: Kaoru Amano, Kazuhisa Shibata, Mitsuo Kawato, Yuka Sasaki, Takeo Watanabe: Learning to Associate Orientation with Color in Early Visual Areas by Associative Decoded fMRI Neurofeedback. Current Biology 26, 1861–1866, 2016.
- 論文紹介: V.V. Apanovich, B.N. Bezdenezhnykh, M. Sams, I.P. Jääskeläinen, YuI Alexandrov: Event-related potentials during individual, cooperative, and competitive task performance differ in subjects with analytic vs. holistic thinking. International Journal of Psychophysiology in press, 1–7, 2017.
- rtFIN2017出張報告
- 論文紹介: Ivan E. de Araujo, Edmund T. Rolls,Maria Inés Velazco, Christian Margot, Isabelle Cayeux: Cognitive Modulation of Olfactory Processing. Neuron 46, 671–679, 2005.
- SfN出張報告
- 論文紹介: Li-Wei Ko, Oleksii Komarov, W. David Hairston, Tzyy-Ping Jung and Chin-Teng Lin: Sustained Attention in Real Classroom Settings: An EEG Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:388, 1–10, 2017.
- SfN出張報告
- 論文紹介: Caroline F.Zink, Yunxia Tong, Qiang Chen, Danielle S. Bassett, Jason L. Stein, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg: Know Your Place: Neural Processing of Social Hierarchy in Humans. Neuron 58, 273–283, 2008.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: I. Wolz, A. Sauvaget, R. Granero, G. Mestre-Bach, M. Baño, V. Martín-Romera, M. Veciana de las Heras, S. Jiménez-Murcia, A. Jansen, A. Roefs & F. Fernández-Aranda: Subjective craving and eventrelated brain response to olfactory and visual chocolate cues in bingeeating and healthy individuals. Scientific Reports 10:41736, 1–10, 2017.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Andreas Trier Poulsen, Simon Kamronn, Jacek Dmochowski, Lucas C. Parra & Lars Kai Hansen: EEG in the classroom: Synchronised neural recordings during video presentation. Scientific Reports 7:43916, 1–9, 2017.
- 冷暖房論文掲載までの闘いの振り返り
- 論文紹介: Suzanne Dikker, Lu Wan, Ido Davidesco, Lisa Kaggen, Matthias Oostrik, James McClintock, Jess Rowland, Georgios Michalareas, Jay J. Van Bavel, Mingzhou Ding, and David Poeppel: Brain-to-Brain Synchrony Tracks Real-World Dynamic Group Interactions in the Classroom. Current Biology 27, 1375–1380, 2017.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Shinsuke Shimojo, Claudiu Simion, Eiko Shimojo & Christian Scheier: Gaze bias both reflects and influences preference. Nature Neuroscience 6, 1317–1322, 2003.
- 論文紹介: Christina Zelano, Aprajita Mohanty, and Jay A. Gottfried: Olfactory Predictive Codes and Stimulus Templates in Piriform Cortex. Neuron 72, 178–187, 2011.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Julieta Ramos-Loyo, Luis A. Llamas-Alonso, Andrés A. González-Garrido & Juan Hernández-Villalobos: Emotional Contexts Exert a Distracting Effect on Attention and Inhibitory Control in Female and Male Adolescents. Scientific Reports 7:2082, 1–10, 2017.
- 岡本研での研究活動とJCのイントロ
- 個別研究指導(修論強化月間)
- 論文紹介: Jeff J. MacInnes, Kathryn C. Dickerson, Nan-kuei Chen, R. Alison Adcock: Cognitive Neurostimulation: Learning to Volitionally Sustain Ventral Tegmental Area Activ. Neuron 89, 1331–1342, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Sharlene D.Newman, MitchellT.Hansen and AriannaGutierrez: An fMRI Study of the Impact of Block Building and Board Games on Spatial Ability. Frontiers in Psychology 7, Article 1278, 1–9, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Murat Salihoğlu, MD; Mustafa Tansel Kendirli, MD; Aytuğ Altundağ, MD; Hakan Tekeli, MD; Muzaffer Sağlam, MD; Melih Çayönö, MD; Mehmet Göney Şenol, MD; Fatih Özdağ, MD: The Effect of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Olfactory Functions. Laryngoscope 124, 2190–2194, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Fuqiang Zhao, Marie A. Holahan, Andrea K. Houghton, Richard Hargreaves, Jeffrey L. Evelhoch, Christopher T.Winkelmann, Donald S. Williams: Functional imaging of olfaction by CBV fMRI inmonkeys: Insight into the role of olfactory bulb in habituation. NeuroImage 106, 364–372, 2015.
- 出張報告(SfN)
- 論文紹介: Ai Koizumi, Kaoru Amano, Aurelio Cortese, Kazuhisa Shibata, Wako Yoshida, Ben Seymour, Mitsuo Kawato and Hakwan Lau: Fear reduction without fear through reinforcement of neural activity that bypasses conscious exposure. Nature Human Behaviour 1, ARTICLE NUMBER: 0006, 1–7, 2016.
- 出張報告(SfN)
- 論文紹介: Neil Garrett, Stephanie C Lazzaro, Dan Ariely & Tali Sharot: The brain adapts to dishonesty. Nature Neuroscience Advance online publication, 1–6, 2016.
- 論文投稿のすゝめ
- 出張報告(SfN)
- 論文紹介: Manish Saggar, Eve-Marie Quintin, Eliza Kienitz, Nicholas T. Bott, Zhaochun Sun, Wei-Chen Hong, Yin-hsuan Chien, Ning Liu, Robert F. Dougherty, Adam Royalty, Grace Hawthorne & Allan L. Reiss: Pictionary-based fMRI paradigm to study the neural correlates of spontaneous improvisation and figural creativity. Scientific Reports 5:10894, 1–11, 2015.
- Research Proposal
- 論文紹介: Joel S.C. Yang, PhD; Christian L. Nicholas, PhD; Gillian M. Nixon, MBChB, MD, FRACP; Margot J. Davey, MBBS, FRACP; Vicki Anderson, PhD; Adrian M. Walker, PhD; John A. Trinder, PhD; Rosemary S.C. Horne, PhD: Determining Sleep Quality in Children with Sleep Disordered Breathing: EEG Spectral Analysis Compared with Conventional Polysomnography. SLEEP 33, 1165–1172, 2010.
- 出張報告(実験まとめ)
- 論文紹介: Andreas Keller, Hanyi Zhuang, Qiuyi Chi, Leslie B. Vosshall & Hiroaki Matsunami: Genetic variation in a human odorant receptor alters odour perception. Nature 449, 468–472, 2007.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Anil Bollimunta, Jue Mo, Charles E. Schroeder, and Mingzhou Ding: Neuronal Mechanisms and Attentional Modulation of Corticothalamic Alpha Oscillations. The Journal of Neuroscience 31, 4935–4943, 2011.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Alice Mado Proverbio, Valentina Lozano Nasi, Laura Alessandra Arcari, Francesco De Benedetto, Matteo Guardamagna, Martina Gazzola & Alberto Zani: The effect of background music on episodic memory and autonomic responses: listening to emotionally touching music enhances facial memory capacity. Scientific Reports 5:15219, 1–12, 2015.
- 研究活動のイントロとジャーナルクラブのやり方の説明
- 論文紹介: Joseph E. Dunsmoor, Vishnu P. Murty, Lila Davachi & Elizabeth A. Phelps: Emotional learning selectively and retroactively strengthens memories for related events. Nature 520, 345–348, 2015.
- 出張報告・研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Lisa P. Qu, XThorsten Kahnt, Sydni M. Cole, and Jay A. Gottfried: De Novo Emergence of Odor Category Representations in the Human Brain. The Journal of Neuroscience 36, 468–478, 2016.
- 出張報告
- 論文紹介: Masahiro Shibasaki & Nobuo Masataka: The color red distorts time perception for men, but not for women. Scientific Reports 4:5899, 1–4, 2014.
- 実験内容まとめ
- 論文紹介: Stephanie Cook, Nicholas Fallon, Hazel Wright, Anna Thomas, Timo Giesbrecht, Matt Field and Andrej Stancak: Pleasant and Unpleasant Odors Influence Hedonic Evaluations of Human Faces: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:661, 1–10, 2015.
- 出張報告・研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Silvy H P Collin, Branka Milivojevic & Christian F Doeller: Memory hierarchies map onto the hippocampal long axis in humans. Nature Neuroscience 18, 1562–1564, 2015.
- 出張報告・研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: FREDERICO A.C. AZEVEDO, LUDMILA R.B. CARVALHO, LEA T. GRINBERG, JOSÉ MARCELO FARFEL, RENATA E.L. FERRETTI, RENATA E.P. LEITE, WILSON JACOB FILHO, ROBERTO LENT, AND SUZANA HERCULANO-HOUZEL: Equal Numbers of Neuronal and Nonneuronal Cells Make the Human Brain an Isometrically Scaled-Up Primate Brain. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 513, 532–541, 2009.
- 出張報告と諸連絡
- 論文紹介: I. Tavor, O. Parker Jones, R. B. Mars, S. M. Smith, T. E. Behrens, S. Jbabdi: Task-free MRI predicts individual differences in brain activity during task performance. Science 352, 216–220, 2016.
- 出張報告
- 論文紹介: Namni Goel, Raymund P. Lao: Sleep changes vary by odor perception in young adults. Biological Psychology 71, 341–349, 2006.
- 実験内容まとめ
- 論文紹介: Tom E. Hardwickea, Mahdi Taqia, and David R. Shanksa: Postretrieval new learning does not reliably induce human memory updating via reconsolidation. PNAS 113, 5206–5211, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Robert E Sorge, Loren J Martin, Kelsey A Isbester, Susana G Sotocinal, Sarah Rosen, Alexander H Tuttle, Jeffrey S Wieskopf, Erinn L Acland, Anastassia Dokova, Basil Kadoura, Philip Leger, Josiane C S Mapplebeck, Martina McPhail, Ada Delaney, Gustaf Wigerblad, Alan P Schumann, Tammie Quinn, Johannes Frasnelli, Camilla I Svensson, Wendy F Sternberg & Jeffrey S Mogil: Olfactory exposure to males, including men, causes stress and related analgesia in rodents. Nature Methods 11, 629–634, 2014.
- ポスター発表練習
- 論文紹介: Jessica Taubert, Erik Van der Burg, & David Alais: Why I tense up when you watch me: Inferior parietal cortex mediates an audience’s influence on motor performance. Scientific Reports 6:19305, 1–11, 2016.
- 諸連絡
- 論文紹介: S. Barkat, E. Le Berre, G. Coureaud, G. Sicard and T. Thomas-Danguin: Perceptual Blending in Odor Mixtures Depends on the Nature of Odorants and Human Olfactory Expertise. Chemical Senses 37, 159–166, 2012.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Katherina K Hauner, James D Howard, Christina Zelano & Jay A Gottfried: Stimulus-specific enhancement of fear extinction during slow-wave sleep. Nature Neuroscience 16, 1553–1558, 2013.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: S Kühn1, T Gleich, RC Lorenz, U Lindenberger and J Gallinat: Playing Super Mario induces structural brain plasticity: gray matter changes resulting from training with a commercial video game. Molecular Psychiatry 19, 265–271, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Junhui Wu, Daniel Balliet & Paul A. M. Van Lange: Gossip Versus Punishment: The Efficiency of Reputation to Promote and Maintain Cooperation. Scientific Reports 6:23919, 1–8, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Jessica Taubert, Erik Van der Burg, & David Alais: Love at second sight: Sequential dependence of facial attractiveness in an on-line dating paradigm. Scientific Reports 6:22740, 1–5, 2016.
- 諸連絡
- 論文紹介: Jonas K. Olofsson, XRobert S. Hurley, Nicholas E. Bowman, XXiaojun Bao, M.-Marsel Mesulam, and Jay A. Gottfried: A Designated Odor–Language Integration System in the Human Brain. The Journal of Neuroscience 34, 14864–14873, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: John T Wixted: Sleep aromatherapy curbs conditioned fear. Nature Neuroscience 16, 1510–1512, 2013.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Erika Dahlin, Anna Stigsdotter Neely, Anne Larsson, Lars Bäckman, Lars Nyberg: Transfer of Learning After Updating Training Mediated by the Striatum. Science 320, 1510–1512, 2008.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: XVishnu P. Murty, Sarah DuBrow, and Lila Davachi: The Simple Act of Choosing Influences Declarative Memory. Journal of Neuroscience 35, 6255–6264, 2015.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Thomas Andrillon, Yuval Nir, Chiara Cirelli, Giulio Tononi & Itzhak Fried: Single-neuron activity and eye movements during human REM sleep and awake vision. Nature Communications 6:7884, 1–10, 2015.
- 研究計画紹介
- 論文紹介: Kyogo Kobayashi, Shunji Nakano, Mutsuki Amano, Daisuke Tsuboi, Tomoki Nishioka, Shingo Ikeda, Genta Yokoyama, Kozo Kaibuchi, and Ikue Mori: Single-Cell Memory Regulates a Neural Circuit for Sensory Behavior. Cell Reports 14, 1–11, 2016.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: James W Antony, Eric W Gobel, Justin K O’Hare, Paul J Reber & Ken A Paller: Cued memory reactivation during sleep influences skill learning. Nature Neuroscience 15, 1114–1116, 2012.
- 研究参加者募集の手順まとめ
- 論文紹介: Adrian M. Owen, Adam Hampshire, Jessica A. Grahn, Robert Stenton, Said Dajani, Alistair S. Burns, Robert J. Howard & Clive G. Ballard: Putting brain training to the test. Nature 465, 775–778, 2010.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Weiwei Zhang & Steven J. Luck: Discrete fixed-resolution representations in visual working memory. Nature 453, 233–235, 2008.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Emily S Finn, Xilin Shen, Dustin Scheinost, Monica D Rosenberg, Jessica Huang, Marvin M Chun, Xenophon Papademetris & R Todd Constable: Functional connectome fingerprinting: identifying individuals using patterns of brain connectivity. Nature Neuroscience 18, 1664–1671, 2015.
- 論文執筆の手引き
- 論文紹介: Kermen F., Chakirian A., Sezille C., Joussain P., Le Goff G., Ziessel A., Chastrette M., Mandairon N., Didier A., Rouby C. & Bensafi M.: Molecular complexity determines the number of olfactory notes and the pleasantness of smells. Scientific Reports 1:206, 1–5, 2011.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Wataru Sato, Takanori Kochiyama, Shota Uono, Yasutaka Kubota, Reiko Sawada, Sayaka Yoshimura & Motomi Toichi: The structural neural substrate of subjective happiness. Scientific Reports 5:16891, 1–7, 2015.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Diankun Gong, Hui He, Dongbo Liu, Weiyi Ma, Li Dong, Cheng Luo & Dezhong Yao: Enhanced functional connectivity and increased gray matter volume of insula related to action video game playing. Scientific Reports 5:9763, 1–7, 2015.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Jason C. K. Chan and Jessica A. LaPaglia: Impairing existing declarative memory in humans by disrupting reconsolidation. PNAS 110, 9309–9313, 2013.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Uri Polat, Clifton Schor, Jian-Liang Tong, Ativ Zomet, Maria Lev, Oren Yehezkel, Anna Sterkin & Dennis M. Levi: Training the brain to overcome the effect of aging on the human eye. Scientific Reports 2:278, 1–6, 2012.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介1: James D Howard, Jane Plailly, Marcus Grueschow, John-Dylan Haynes & Jay A Gottfried: Odor quality coding and categorization in human posterior piriform cortex. Nature Neuroscience 12, 932–940, 2009.
- 論文紹介2: Ayumi Nagashima and Kazushige Touhara: Enzymatic conversion of odorants in nasal mucus affects olfactory glomerular activation patterns and odor perception. Journal of Neuroscience 30(48), 16391–16398, 2010.
- 論文紹介: R. W. Wilkins, D. A. Hodges, P. J. Laurienti, M. Steen & J. H. Burdette: Network Science and the Effects of Music Preference on Functional Brain Connectivity: From Beethoven to Eminem. Scientific Reports 4:6130, 1–7, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: J. A. Anguera, J. Boccanfuso, J. L. Rintoul, O. Al-Hashimi, F. Faraji, J. Janowich, E. Kong, Y. Larraburo, C. Rolle, E. Johnston1 & A. Gazzaley: Video game training enhances cognitive control in older adults. Nature 501, 97–103, 2013.
- インターン報告
- 論文紹介: Anat Arzi, Limor Shedlesky, Mor Ben-Shaul, Khitam Nasser, Arie Oksenberg, Ilena S Hairston & Noam Sobel: Humans can learn new information during sleep. Nature Neuroscience 15, 1460–1465, 2012.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Jacek P. Dmochowski, Matthew A. Bezdek, Brian P. Abelson, John S. Johnson, Eric H. Schumacher & Lucas C. Parra: Audience preferences are predicted by temporal reliability of neural processing. Nature Communications 5:4567, 1–9, 2014.
- 研究費申請状況と新研究テーマ紹介
- 論文紹介: Gun Taniguchi, Takayuki Uozumi, Keisuke Kiriyama, Tomoko Kamizaki, Takaaki Hirotsu: Screening of Odor-Receptor Pairs in Caenorhabditis elegans Reveals Different Receptors for High and Low Odor Concentrations. Science Signaling 7(323), 1–9, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Masayoshi Murakami, Hideki Kashiwadani, Yutaka Kirino, and Kensaku Mori: State-Dependent Sensory Gating in Olfactory Cortex. Neuron 46, 285–296, 2005.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Ghootae Kim, Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock, Kenneth A. Normana, and Nicholas B. Turk-Brownea: Pruning of memories by context-based prediction error. PNAS 111, 8997–9002, 2014.
- 研究進捗報告
- 論文紹介: Mohammad Dastjerdi, Muge Ozker, Brett L. Foster, Vinitha Rangarajan & Josef Parvizi: Numerical processing in the human parietal cortex during experimental and natural conditions. Nature Communications 4:2528, 1–11, 2013.
- 情報共有: 産学連携共同研究成果報告(トヨタ自動車九州)
- 論文紹介: A. Lemasson, L. Glas, S. Barbu, A. Lacroix, M. Guilloux, K. Remeuf & H. Koda: Youngsters do not pay attention to conversational rules: is this so for nonhuman primates? Scientific Reports 1:22, 1–4, 2011.
- 勉強会: fMRIについて
- 論文紹介: Pernille J Olesen, Helena Westerberg & Torkel Klingberg: Increased prefrontal and parietal activity after training of working memory. Nature Neuroscience 7, 75–79, 2004.
- 論文紹介: Machiko Ohbayashi, Kenichi Ohki, Yasushi Miyashita: Conversion of Working Memory to Motor Sequence in the Monkey Premotor Cortex. Science 301, 233–236, 2003.
- 論文紹介: Maria Wimber, Arjen Alink, Ian Charest, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte & Michael C Anderson: Retrieval induces adaptive forgetting of competing memories via cortical pattern suppression. Nature Neuroscience 18, 582–592, 2015.
- 出張報告: IUPESM, Toronto, Canada
- 論文紹介: Megan T deBettencourt, Jonathan D Cohen, Ray F Lee, Kenneth A Norman & Nicholas B Turk-Browne: Closed-loop training of attention with real-time brain imaging. Nature Neuroscience 18, 470–477, 2015.
- 話題提供: 研究ノートの取り方レクチャー、総務省「異能vation」
- 本読み: 大泉匡史: 意識の統合情報理論. Clinical Neuroscience 32, 905–912, 2014.
- 論文紹介: Hsin-Ni Ho, Daisuke Iwai, Yuki Yoshikawa, Junji Watanabe1 & Shin'ya Nishida: Combining colour and temperature: A blue object is more likely to be judged as warm than a red object. Scientific Reports 4:5527, 1–5, 2014.
- 研究紹介: 卒業研究
- 論文紹介: Jocelyn Faubert: Professional athletes have extraordinary skills for rapidly learning complex and neutral dynamic visual scenes. Scientific Reports 3:1154, 1–3, 2013.
- 研究紹介: 小林製薬心理実験結果、修士の研究テーマ
- 発表練習(6月上旬 IUPESM): 発表12分+質疑3分
- 論文紹介: Nima Mesgarani, Connie Cheung, Keith Johnson, Edward F. Chang: Phonetic Feature Encoding in Human Superior Temporal Gyrus. Science 343, 1006–1010, 2014.
- ジャーナルクラブの方針・やり方説明
- 本読み: カンデル神経科学 32 においと味: 化学感覚
- 私を語る
公開日: 2015年08月07日
最終更新日: 2024年11月29日